Desperate, But Not Serious

Desperate, But Not Serious

Have you ever been at a networking event and noticed the person who is trying just a bit too hard to make a connection (i.e. sale)?  They may do things like: promptly give you their business card right at the introduction talk, and talk, and talk about themselves and...
Desperate, But Not Serious

Listen Up

Do you listen or do you hear?  I ask because there is a big difference between the two. While dining with some very good friends, our conversation turned to resolutions, in honor of the impending new year.  At first the responses around the table were rather typical,...
Desperate, But Not Serious

A Time To Reflect

Reflection.  There must come a time in every business where energy is spent assessing the year, whether it is coming to an end or only just the beginning.  While it may seem like there isn’t time for it or it’s the last thing you want to do, life has an...
Desperate, But Not Serious

Why Diversify?

I read an interesting column in the Business section of the Enquirer last weekend.  It caught my eye because the title boldly proclaimed that cold calls and sales reps are still a necessity in the B2B world.  The writer stated that the era of “Mad Men” is...
Desperate, But Not Serious

Timing Is Everything

We all know the value we place on our personal calendar.  It reminds us of birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, parties, doctor appointments…the list could go on and on.  For our professional lives, we use it to keep track of meetings, appointments, networking...