Our Process

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When you choose to work with Dimalanta Design Group, you can be assured that we will be giving focused time and energy to bring your brand vision to life. Making this happen is a three-phase process that includes assessing your role in meeting your clients’ needs, strategizing a plan of action, and executing a cohesive marketing plan for your brand.


Est. Timeline: 2-4 weeks

This assess phase is the phase of understanding. During this period, we at Dimalanta Design seek to understand your brand, your marketing strengths and challenges and what you’re trying to achieve with your target audience.

This stage might include:

  • key stakeholder meeting
  • in-depth interviews
  • focus groups
  • competitive analysis
  • SWOT analysis


Est. Timeline: 2-4 weeks

The strategize phase is the phase of creation. We develop the framework that will guide how we market your business going forward. As a team, Dimalanta Design Group creates and communicates the following elements:

  • Your unique brand narrative
  • Your brand standards which create a consistent identity for your brand
  • The brand archetypes that will govern how your brand shows up and attracts customers
  • Which Out&Out Marketing® strategies and tools we will use to be sure you have a presence that is simple, disciplined, perpetual, targeted, relevant and personal


Est. Timeline: 2-4 weeks

The strategize phase is the phase of creation. We develop the framework that will guide how we market your business going forward. As a team, Dimalanta Design Group creates and communicates the following elements:

  • Your unique brand narrative
  • Your brand standards which create a consistent identity for your brand
  • The brand archetypes that will govern how your brand shows up and attracts customers
  • Which Out&Out Marketing® strategies and tools we will use to be sure you have a presence that is simple, disciplined, perpetual, targeted, relevant and personal


Est. Timeline: 2-4 weeks

The execute phase is the ongoing time in which we do what we said we would do for you. Think of us as your offsite marketing department, working behind the scenes to carry out your unique marketing plan. During this time, our team:

  • Writes copy for your website and other marketing pieces
  • Designs your logo and web pages
  • Reaches your customers via social media posts, email blasts, or direct email
  • Manages your website and social media accounts

The Dimalanta Design Team is working for you to continue to assess the effectiveness of our campaigns,* continually strategizing as we execute your brand’s marketing to be sure you’re getting lasting results.

*We use Hubspot and software analytics so we know how your target audience is interacting with your brand.


Download our Assessment. Discover Gaps in Your Marketing Plan.