Integrating Trust and Authenticity – How to build a solid referral network

Shallow vs Deep

When I was a kid, I loved going into the deep end of the pool.  To me, it was where the big kids swam, where the great divers performed their tricks, where the real fun happened.  I felt that the games we played got more challenging, navigating water that was way over...
Integrating Trust and Authenticity – How to build a solid referral network

You’re Always On

We mistakenly believe that the only time we are “on” is when we present to an audience, regardless of the number in it.  In reality, we are “on” all the time whether we know it or not.  At any given moment during the day we have an audience....
Integrating Trust and Authenticity – How to build a solid referral network

Got Luck?

Luck is an interesting concept.  It’s something everyone wants to have, yet we’re not sure how to get it or even where to find it.  Occasionally we think we’ve got it only to discover how elusive and temporary it can be.  Eventually we realize that...