Thankfulness Goes a Long Way in Referral Marketing

It’s that time of year when we often take time to reflect on life and on business.  We count our blessings.  We spend time with family.  We are thankful.  Or at least we should be grateful right?  Unfortunately, the holidays also distract us from the things that matter most like relationships.  Here are a few simple ways to let your clients, strategic partners, and best fans, know you care.

  • Mail holiday cards to let them know you’re thinking of them
  • Send a gift basket to show your appreciation
  • Take them out for lunch, dinner, or drinks to give one-on-one attention
  • Host a party to gather those that matter most creating synergy
  • Pick up the phone and make happy calls verbally communicating your thankfulness
Taking time to show you care creates top of mind awareness, good feelings, stability, and word-of-mouth opportunities.  The list above isn’t really anything amazingly new. However, what we find is that the majority of small businesses fail to execute even one the items on the list.  So spend time this month letting your people know that they matter. Also, keep in mind that the more thoughtful approach you take will be the most effective.

Keep it Personal!

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