How to Know if Your Logo is Successful

Is Your Brand Still Relevant?

Think of your company’s branding the way you think about the curb appeal of your home. When you want to increase the market value of your home, you have to improve others’ first impressions of your property—update landscaping, apply a fresh coat of paint, choose new...
How to Know if Your Logo is Successful

Your “Monkey Paw”

One would argue that no matter what you role is in any company, one of your primary responsibilities is to always promote the brand to those on the outside.  Each of us interacts in some what with the public.  From the person who answers the phone, to the person who...
How to Know if Your Logo is Successful

Tips to Maximize a Networking Event

Going to networking events is a part of any business professionals life.  Networking events come in the form of: Business After Hours Referral Marketing Groups Lead Exchanges Chamber Events Trade Shows Luncheons Award Ceremonies But did you know there are ways to more...
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