We are all guilty of making assumptions.  We can mistakenly believe that others think and feel the same as we do.  I’ve done it myself.  I love asparagus so my kids should eat it at dinner too, right?  Wrong.

When we communicate with those in our target audience, or circle of influence, we may make a few assumptions.  We may assume that because we use Facebook as our source of current information others do too.  Or we may assume that because we read every online newsletter that arrives in our inbox everyone else does too.  Both would be false assumptions.

People look to different watering holes to obtain information, both personally and professionally. One person may prefer Facebook, another email marketing or LinkedIn, another Twitter, and yet another trade journals or newspapers.  When we spend the time to look at the psychographics of those in our target audience, we learn where they tend to go for their information, or where their watering holes are.  Knowing these specific details will save us time, money, energy and resources by ensuring we hit the target with our marketing communications.

The real bonus is that your content need only be written once, then repackaged for the various marketing communications you utilize.  So regardless of which watering hole your target audience prefers, your message will be heard.  We can breathe a sigh of relief that less is actually more.  We are working smarter, not harder.  Without making any assumptions.

Keep it simple.

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