It seems like I’m getting more and more YouTube links in my email these days. While individuals are using it to communicate personal talents (or lack thereof), businesses are seeing this as opportunity for brand recognition and lead response. If you have been surfing the web the past few years, you know that this tactic isn’t totally new. However, it is increasingly becoming more common as businesses are adding marketing dollars to their web 2.0 marketing strategy every year. But what is needed in order to create a video campaign that is effective and viral.

Below are 7 elements needed for a viral video campaign as was written and explained by Jerry Bader. I found his article to be very useful for anybody wishing to use this tactic.

The 7 Viral Video Campaign Elements- Jerry Bader

1. Engage: Grab Attention.

2. Enlighten: Provide Substance.

3. Stylize: Create An Experience.

4. Focus: Be Consistent.

5. Entertain: Be Memorable.

6. Resonate: Hit A Nerve.

7. Excite: Compel Action.