“Inbound marketing is an approach focused on attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful — not interruptive. With inbound marketing, potential customers find you through channels like blogs, search engines, and social media.”


With the rise of digital technology and its impact on consumers’ buying decisions, digital marketing has changed a marketer’s approach to reaching out to audiences.

Traditionally, marketers have grown accustomed to marketing through push tactics like billboard, radio, television, and direct mail. Tactics like these are exactly the interruptive nature Hubspot is referring to—interactions that push information out to customers without really asking permission to do so. While push marketing like this has shown effectiveness in the past, the digital age has definitely changed the mindset of consumers. As a result, marketers must change the way they approach marketing.

Inbound marketing has been popularized as an effective marketing tactic because it relies on quality content to draw in and attract customers on their own terms. Content used for inbound marketing purposes can be

  • Informative and interesting articles or blog posts
  • Downloadable materials like white papers, reports, or how-to guides
  • Newsletters
  • Social media
  • SEO

Using inbound marketing as a new tactic in your marketing communication gives you the ability to gain leads and ask permission to interact with your target audience. This tactic is highly useful for B2B, but can also be done—if done strategically—in a B2C environment. The payoff is big if you choose to invest your time in creating an inbound marketing plan. Not only will you have new leads and relationships to build, but it also helps establish your brand’s personality and online image. This elevates your reputation in your industry and increases the potential for profitability.

And Always Remember….Keep It Relevant!

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