I received an email recently from a business acquaintance looking for some information.  He was frustrated because he went to the organization’s website and was unable to locate the answer to his question.  He said,

“I’m sure it is there somewhere online but if two clicks don’t get me there I tend to move on.”

Interesting.  What he said was the truth for all of us.  When it comes to navigating a website, viewers will leave if what they are looking for is not easily found.  In today’s society, where access to information is literally within our reach, businesses need to ensure that not only is it easy to find them online, but also easy for the viewer to locate relevant content quickly. There is far too much competition out there to give a potential customer a reason to look elsewhere, especially a reason that is entirely avoidable.

Testing your own website is a good way to determine how it fares in the “ease of use” department.  Create of list of commonly asked questions as it relates to your industry. Take that list and use it to find the answers within your website.  How many clicks did it take you to find it? Was it more than two for many of the answers?  View your website from the eyes of a customer. What do you see?

Keep it simple.

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