How do you feel when you receive poor service?  Whether while patronizing a fast food restaurant, the dry cleaner, sporting venue, or car dealership.  Do any of these feelings pop into your mind:

  • disappointment
  • frustration
  • anger
  • dissatisfaction

Now, depending on the size of your purchase, would it be safe to assume that your level these negative feelings would increase proportionately?  Yet, if your service was so bad at a restaurant where you only spent $15, chances are you would probably not return in the future – even though it was a small purchase.  The point is seeing your business through the eyes of your customers, regardless of their revenue size.  Customer service is customer service.  It is not contingent on how much money they spend with you or how much influence they may have in the marketplace.

Do your customers know how much their worth is to you?  Do they really know their value to you in comparison to another customer?  Probably not.  The only thing each customer knows for certain is that they chose to do business with you, not one of your competitors. Be aware of their expectations. Know that small accounts can develop in time into bigger ones.  Know that small accounts are capable of creating a big impact for you, either directly or indirectly.  Somewhat like the moral behind Aesop’s Fable “The Lion and the Mouse.” We learned that the lion’s simple act of compassion lead to a much greater reward.

Keep it perpetual.

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