A pitcher’s best defense, in my opinion, is the change up pitch.  It allows the pitcher to control the batter and therefore the game.  It carries an element of surprise, which keeps the batter in constant anticipation.

In marketing, a change up can play a vital role in keeping strategies fresh, target markets anticipating your message, and competitors on the defense.  Excelling in today’s professional world means we cannot become complacent with an attitude of “business as usual” or “playing it safe.”  Rather, quite the opposite is required.  People today are confronted with far too many distractions.  If we couple that with the lack of time at our disposal, it’s no wonder how much we choose to ignore in terms of marketing on a daily basis.  So if that window of opportunity is smaller than ever, do we really want to play it safe by sticking with the status quo or should we be embrace the benefits of a change up?

View your marketing strategies as a pitcher does his pitching arsenal.  Ensure you have varying tactics to keep you top of mind with your target market.  Infuse ways to change it up every so often so you don’t become part of the white noise that is all too common today.

When was the last time you did something completely different with how you market yourself?  If you are straining to remember, then it’s definitely time.  Complacency and contentment cannot coexist with a successful marketing plan.  Begin utilizing resources that can help you create those change ups.

The fact that we want to be successful may be a given, but ensuring that it becomes a reality is not always so.

Keep it perpetual.

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