“A desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.”

The worst kind of temptation we can fall prey to is the most subtle kind.  The type that without even fully realizing it, you have made the wrong or unwise choice.  In our professional lives this is a common reality that can be avoided if we are aware of it. Let me explain with an example.

You have been diligent with your attendance at various Business After Hours, luncheons, events, and networking groups.  Business is on a roll and it seems that the referrals just keep coming in. You are becoming so busy that taking time to attend those luncheons or After Hours feels like not the best use of your time.  You reason with yourself by saying things like “I can always go next time when I’m not so busy.”  Well, I hate to say it, but that decision would be “wrong or unwise.”  In fact, it would be more than wrong or unwise, it would be giving in to a temptation that is actually counter-productive to building revenue.

Giving in to the revenue temptation creates the “stop and go” marketing mentality.  One that kicks into gear when the pipeline diminishes and the referrals start to slow down.  We jump back on the bandwagon doing all the networking things necessary to generate business opportunities. We continue on until we are tempted by how busy we are and ease off of our networking.  The key is to remain consistent and leave time in our daily schedules to get out with our referral partners, socialize at a luncheons, and attend Chamber events.

Resist temptation.  It will always be there, but the revenue may not.

Keep it disciplined.


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