When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, the content that is contained within your website is critical to your target audience finding you.  Without the right content, the key words and phrases that are used to search for you will lead them to your competitor, not you.  However, having the right key words and phrases is only half of the puzzle.  The other half involves updating your website on a regular basis with relevant content.  This piece is a little more challenging because it requires discipline and consistency.

Google uses various algorithms to ensure the websites that are top ranking (found on the first page of searches) are legitimate and without manipulated content.  A practical and easy way to move your ranking to the top of internet searches is through blogging.  Adding a daily or weekly blog to your website using relevant key words and phrases will ensure that the search engines are working for you, not against you.  However, a critical piece is the consistency of your posts.  Monthly will not make the cut, the minimum should be once or twice a week.  But the bonus is that if you commit to this marketing strategy your rankings will begin to improve on search engines.  And it was all accomplished without spending a lot of money.

Keep it disciplined.