No matter what the size of a company, it’s success depends on people.  Whether it has 500 employees or only one, or if we are talking about B2B or B2C industries, it still revolves around people.  People who make decisions, have opinions and needs, concerns, deadlines, and goals. People who embody the brand of a company and it’s culture.

The significance of the people who make up a company becomes very obvious in the social media world as we seek to promote our own business or profession.  Why? Well, who reads the posts that you create?  Who comments, likes, and shares?  A person, an employee, and owner. Our goal with a Social Media Marketing Strategy is to connect with people in our target audience to the extend that it engages, educates, inspires, and familiarizes them to us.  So by default, that person also connects with the company we represent – be it B2B or B2C.  At the end of the day, a person’s decision to do business with a company rests in the relationship he or she has with a person within the company.

So remember who it is you are engaging with on social media.  Be deliberate in personalizing your posts so that it truly reflects you.  Ask yourself if what you are posting is something you would be interested in seeing or reading.  If not, neither will your target audience.  We may have only 100 Likes on Facebook or 50 Connections on LinkedIn but that is okay and a good starting point.  That equates to 150 people who are waiting to hear from us, whether it’s commenting or “liking” another’s post, posting something yourself, or providing a recommendation to a connection.  People are listening.

If we continually remind ourselves that it really boils down to P2P, or Person to Person, we will keep it personal, not impersonal.  People know, like, and trust other people, not necessarily the business – for without people, a business is nothing but a shell.

Keep it personal.

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