Marketing is all about perception.  We create the image or brand that we want others to perceive.

While at a recent Chamber luncheon, I had the pleasure to hear the Senior VP of Business Operations for the Reds speak.  Her entire story was very interesting and inspiring, but it was the beginning that was the most compelling to me.  It was about her initial conversation with the President and CEO of the Reds, Bob Castellini, that had marketing written all over it.  She was initially hired to manage the Marketing Department, and on her first day she walked in and reported directly to Mr. Castellini.  One of the first things he told her was that her title had changed, she would now be the V.P. of Marketing.  Upon hearing this she objected saying she had only just started and didn’t have the seniority to be called that.  Mr. Castellini promptly replied, “With a title like that, people will be sure to listen to you and take you seriously.” Interesting.

This example is a classic case of the power of marketing – building a perception in the eyes of others.  She may have just came on board with the Reds, but her title was going to amplify her credibility right from the start.  And Mr. Castellini knew how important that would be.  Now this is not to say that we embellish or mislead, but rather, use titles to invoke a particular image for a person.  Here are a few examples:

  • Sales vs. Consultant
  • Office Manager vs. Practice Manager
  • Supervisor vs. Treatment Director
  • Nurse vs. Clinician
  • Owner vs. Proprietor

Of the two, the second title sounds more professional, more polished.  There is nothing wrong with the first title, but it lacks something, don’t you think?  People also feel more valued with a proper title.  It feels good to say, “I’m the Vice President of Marketing.”  It also projects a certain image to those they are speaking with.  It exudes confidence and credibility in the eyes of that person.  It shapes their perception of not only that person but the company they represent as well.  That’s marketing.

Keep it relevant.

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