We can all agree that there are many resources out there today that help businesses succeed. If you are a CEO or business owner, you can attend a CEO Round Table.  If you happen to be in Human Resources, chances are you can find an HR Round Table to take advantage of.  If your profession focuses on sales, there are numerous networking events throughout the city to attend on a weekly basis.  But what if you are in marketing or want to improve the way you market yourself to increase business?  Where do you turn?

At Dimalanta Design Group we saw that a significant resource was missing in our business community.  Business professionals had no real means to educate themselves on current marketing trends and strategies in an environment that allowed for an open exchange of ideas, problems, and solutions.  There needed to be a platform that encouraged a dialogue between all industries, because while the audience might differ the tactics do not.

2014 saw the creation of the “Out-&-Out Marketing Forum” at Dimalanta Design Group – a gathering of professionals interested in strategically building their book of business with others who value critical input, diverse thinking, and current technology.  A setting that empowers the “marketer” and provides clarity to the how’s and why’s.

Today’s businesses are barraged with countless options to market themselves:

  • print media
  • radio media
  • mailers
  • email marketing
  • telemarketing
  • online marketing
  • social media marketing
  • sponsorships
  • advertisements
  • billboards
  • promotional items
  • trade shows

The list could go on and on.  But how do we effectively navigate all these options?  How do we keep current of marketing trends and still focus on our day to day business?  The Out-&-Out Marketing Forum has been designed to be that resource – a place to streamline your marketing efforts to increase your productivity.

We invite you to be our guest at the next Out-&-Out Marketing Forum.

Keep it disciplined.

Download our Assessment. Discover Gaps in Your Marketing Plan.