Let’s do a little test online.  Google a generic search term for your business.  For example, if you are a flooring company located in Cincinnati, Ohio, type “Cincinnati flooring companies.”  Where is your company found?  Is it the first page?  The second?  The tenth? If your company is not found on the first or second page of any online search I have great news for you.

All too often, small businesses believe that being found on the first page is a costly task, that only large companies can secure those spots.  Well, that could not be further from the truth. Whether you have only been in the business for a day, a year, or ten you can start today moving your position in online searches to the top.  How?  Very simple, with a blog.

A blog is actually a website log of useful and relevant information to those you are targeting to do business with.  These are the people that would be interested in what you are sharing.  It is not selling.  Think about your particular industry and begin generating a list of ideas to write about. This will help you to create an editorial calendar.  Let’s say you are in the travel industry, topics would include:

  • specific destinations
  • historical landmarks
  • when to travel
  • modes of transportation
  • new trends
  • places that are off the beaten path
  • culinary excursions
  • family vacations
  • all inclusive resorts

Once you have identified each topic you can then break it down even further.  So, for example, with the topic of “specific destinations” a more detailed list could include:  Italy, France, Spain, Alaska, Hawaii.

The blog that is built into your website would educate, intrigue, and engage those who read it.  It would also create relevant content that the search engines are looking for, which would in turn push your website higher in the rankings.  The bottom line to the success of this marketing strategy is this ~ you must be consistent and frequent with your posts. Once a month will not work.  Posting at least twice a week will start the upward mobility you desire.  In three to six months time you will start to see the benefits of your diligence. Because let’s face it, who is looking past the first or second page anyways?

Keep it perpetual.

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