Recently, we had the privilege to be featured in the Manufacturer May issue from WIRENET®. They interviewed me to ask a series of different manufacturer marketing questions. We’d like to share with you some tidbits from it.

Q: Marketing is part of the second nature to suppliers, but far less so for B-2-B manufacturers: why should manufacturers—especially those whose products are often buried or not seen—want to invest in marketing?

A: Generally speaking, products are never actually unseen. It is easy to think that marketing isn’t needed for products that are hidden from the general public, but someone out there is looking to solve a problem with those specific products — and that is your target audience. Marketing is about effectively communicating and promoting products and services to a target audience in a way that causes an intended action. Understanding what your target audience needs will help determine what measures to take with marketing. It doesn’t always have to be a fancy brochure or elaborate videos, it could be as simple as having well-designed proposals, product sheets or giving accessibility to the product prior to purchasing.

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