OK Guys (and gals)… if you’re over spent, over worked, over committed, and you simply forgot about Valentine’s day, then here’s your reminder, “Tomorrow is Valentines day!”. According to the National Retail Federation Valentine’s Day spending is expected to be about $14.7 billion. All of this spent to communicate love and commitment.

I’ve read that in Warren County Ohio the average length, in years, of first marriages that end in divorce is eight. While that number may not be good regarding marriage, how many of you would love if the average length of time you kept a client for repeat business was eight years? Many of us would be ecstatic!

When was the last time you communicated appreciation to your clients? My challenge for you is that you do this next week. You don’t have to over analyze it or break the bank over it, just execute this simple tactic. If it helps solidify the relationship and keep them on for another year, then just do the math and you’ll realize that it’s worth it.

Keep It High Touch!

-Ernie DiMalanta