Social Media is part of your Marketing Plan.  It’s a nice, weekly combination of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google Plus posts.  You’ve also implemented the creation of weekly newsletters as well.  Each day has been planned for with a new post, whether it’s new customers, new products, special announcements, or motivational quotes.  But what happens when the schedule is disrupted?  Maybe by something like a snowstorm, or a National Holiday?

We all know that “life happens” yet we may feel like it really doesn’t apply to us. Unfortunately, it does, and it will.  Enter the infamous contingency plan.  Having a back up plan will ensure that when life does happen you are prepared for it, it does not affect how you market your business, nor the momentum you’ve worked hard at building.  It will also take that concern off your plate so you can focus your efforts on other areas.

Many applications for newsletters or mass emails have a component that allows for scheduling, as with MailChimp or Constant Contact.  Social media does too, whether it is built into the networking website (i.e. Facebook), or a management system like Hootsuite is used that can schedule multiple networks.  Leveraging these tools to enhance your time management will ensure a post or newsletter is never missed due to mother nature, vacation, Holiday, or the dreaded flu.  It is counterproductive and defeating to work as hard as you do only to leave holes in your marketing plan.

Leave nothing to chance.  Rather, leave it to a schedule.

Keep it perpetual.


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