Now that summer is a memory and we’re knee deep in autumn, our thoughts naturally turn toward blazing fire pits, bonfires and fireplaces.

And as every experienced fire builder knows, you need to keep your embers hot if you want a successful fire. The farther away an ember gets from a fire, the colder and weaker it gets. Tending those embers is vital to keeping your fire burning strong.

An easy parallel can be made between building a strong fire and building a strong referral business. To keep your referrals growing, you need to keep your referral partners warm.

Here are a few ways to do just that:

Schedule regular in-person meetings

Make it a point to regularly schedule face-to-face meetings with your referral partners, in formal and informal ways. Take advantage of networking events hosted by local chambers of commerce, referral and industry groups, and neighborhood and philanthropic events. Consider asking your referral partners to breakfast, lunch or out for a sporting event then share ideas and best practices.

Cards or gifts

Everyone appreciates being acknowledged. A simple thank you or thinking of you card or small gift can go a long way in keeping you and your business top of mind with your referral partners.

Make your own news

Becoming your own publicity generator and content creator is another way to keep your referral partners warm. Make it a priority to regularly release information about your products, services and employees to traditional and new media channels. The more your referral partners hear about you, the more excited they are to send people your way.

Get social – online

You’re probably already maintaining and updating social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for your own business. Take an extra step and connect online with your referral partners. Make an effort to regularly comment, like and share their content. They’ll likely reciprocate. Everyone benefits from a wider audience.

Newsletters, emails and more

Include your referral partners in any regular communication you distribute to your customers, fans and target audiences. Your newsletters, email campaigns and various outreach marketing materials contain information and insight that might not be available to your referral partners in other ways. Learning new, interesting information about your business may make them more likely to recommend you to others.

And remember, while a really boss fire can last for a number of hours, stoking the fire of relationship with your referral partners can last for many seasons.

-Keep it Personal

Dimalanta Design Group

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