I was recently asked a great question…”Is there a book you can recommend regarding social media?”  On the surface, the answer would seem easy.  Of course there must be several books that one can utilize to learn the ins and outs of social media.  There’s books for everything, isn’t there?  Well, not necessarily for social media.

The social media world is an ever changing one.  Every day there seems to be updates to current platforms, the unveiling of new sites, and trends that change with the wind.  What was once popular now is not.  Even different generations prefer different social media sites.  Creating a book that aims to educate the reader on the specifics of Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Twitter would be irrelevant.  Here’s why:

  • As mentioned earlier, social media is ever evolving.  The creators of each platform are consistently making revisions, updates, and changes.
  • New social media sites are launched on a regular basis.
  • The cost of owning such books would be a wasted investment due to out dated information.

But what can you do to ensure you remain up to date on social media for your business if this is the reality?

  • Remain diligent in educating yourself with content you find online with respect to social media.
  • Use your social media sites on a regular basis.  Dedicate time to learning the different functions and nuances of each site.
  • Find a reliable resource in the social media profession that can assist you with leveraging social media to maximize its potential.
  • Regularly attend social media workshops to keep your skills sharp and current on the latest updates.

Remember that social media is no different than any other learned skill.  Without the proper practice and dedication of time skills can become dull and ineffective.  Only you can prevent that from happening.

Keep it relevant.

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