We are inundated each day with words – emails, text messages, newsletters, conversations, voice mails, sales collateral.  So many words, but do we read or hear all of them?

There are many ways you can communicate your message without the overuse of words.  You can visually and creatively convey to your target audience with the use of an infographic.  An infographic is defined as “a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.”  Here are a few infographic examples to consider utilizing in your marketing collateral:

  • Visual Articles
  • Flow Charts
  • Timelines
  • Locations
  • Research
  • “How To” – Process Oriented
  • Activities
  • Compare & Contrast
  • “Did You Know?”
  • Tips or Demos
  • Demographics

There are obviously countless ways you can share your message.  The key is presenting it in a way that is memorable.  While words are important in the exchange of information, infographics can repackage them in a way that engages the person viewing it.  Many times it requires too many words to get your message across to your audience.  If you add that to the time constraints individuals face in today’s society, you will lose the attention of those you are trying to reach.  Let pictures do most of the talking.  Allow your audience to engage with the information you share. Doing so will give them more reason to do business with you in the future.

Keep it simple.

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