With all the options available to business today to market themselves, it’s important to remember that not all options are created equal, especially if faced with a budget.  A trend that is quickly gaining momentum is inbound marketing.  Inbound marketing is advertising but through your own efforts.  Examples include:

  • writing blogs
  • podcasts
  • enewsletters
  • video
  • whitepaper
  • social media

This is quite different from outbound marketing, which is essentially any effort a company initiates to attract customers.  Examples include:

  • tradeshows
  • tv and radio commercials
  • print ads
  • cold calls
  • email blasts

The difference is that with inbound marketing your efforts actually generate interest with your target audience, increase the ability to find your company online, and direct traffic to your website.  It’s also interesting to note that: 

“Inbound marketing is estimated to deliver 54% more leads into the marketing funnel than traditional outbound methods.” – Hubspot, April 2013

“A staggering 82% of marketers who blog see positive ROI for their inbound marketing.” – Hubspot, April 2013

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