How to Build and Keep Client Relationships

The Tool that Changes Everything 

Client Relationship Management

Maintaining strong client relationships is absolutely vital for the growth of any organization. But it’s not just about generating growth; it’s also about managing and fueling those long-term relationships with clients through effective customer relationship management. To ensure that your customers are nurtured and supported, a CRM and sales tool such as Hubspot can be instrumental. This tool can help you foster key relationships and generate productive conversations. Our team of experienced administrators and creative strategists can help you set up, facilitate and make the most out of Hubspot so that you can effectively build strong client relationships that drive growth and success for your organization. Moreover, part of a flourishing lead generation plan involves engaging customers with valuable content to draw them to your brand as well as holding sales teams accountable for their actions and maintaining performance standards. This may sound complicated but, we promise, Hubspot makes it so easy! Read on and let us show you how cultivating client relationships that thrive is simply a matter of time.

The Unique, Innovative Tool

With many different CRM and sales tools and choices available, it can be difficult to choose the most effective option. Hubspot stands out as unique with an innovative model that reveals a clear and exciting path of growth. This favorite CRM tool uses the flywheel model for nurturing client relationships and enticing new clients. A flywheel model is energizing for organizations in that it builds momentum over time that is difficult to stop. The model includes the clarifying concepts attract, engage, and delight. The idea is to take your clients on a journey by first attracting them to your brand, then engaging with them, and finally delighting them to the point that they tell their friends and colleagues about your services launching the whole process once again. 

Everything is Trackable

Hubspot also takes all the guesswork out of push-and-pull marketing, which is another reason we love the tool. It makes eblasts, social media, SEO, and blogs so much simpler to utilize kickstarting exciting marketing initiatives and motivating the people who implement them. For example, to gain new clients, you begin by launching a strategic campaign to attract prospects through targeted emails, social media posts, and google ads that are ALL trackable within HubSpot. Next, you analyze your prospects’ visits to your landing page or downloads to acquire sales intelligence. What did they like? Where did they go? What must they need? You then engage your prospects through emails, phone calls, or forms they can acquire on the landing page. This tailors your communication with them leading you straight into the delight phase. You set up an appointment in which you present all the ways you understand their main problem and how your services can become the solution. This nurtures your connection with them and builds trust, initiating the client relationship of your dreams. Finally, your client ends up loving you and telling all their friends about how easy it was to work with you.

The key with any CRM and sales tool is to achieve results. The attract, engage, delight model makes it easy and fun to build client relationships that not only work but generate thrilling momentum and growth! If this sounds appealing to you, we can help you navigate HubSpot and create marketing strategies that sell and produce continuous results. Get started today – it’s FREE!

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