While at a recent strategy session, I found myself thinking about how important it is for small businesses to spend time and resources establishing a solid foundation for their business to grow.  This same concept can be applied to anyone who is out there building his or her career.  The foundation of any successful business is created with committed leadership, clear vision, strategic thinking, and a proactive attitude.  This enables a business to build the framework and systems to sustain growth like:

  • specific work departments
  • company policies and protocols
  • work flow
  • chain of command
  • and quality control

It also prevents:

  • an overlap in responsibilities,
  • loss productivity
  • guess work
  • frustration
  • mistakes

It allows employees to focus on their responsibilities and promote top performance.  As it relates to you and your business, the same applies.  Create your own solid foundation, with systems in place to ensure you can work smarter and not harder.  Don’t assume things will fall into place on their own or that it’s not your responsibility.  Your ultimate success is, in fact, up to you.  

Keep it disciplined. 

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