When people think “marketing,” they tend to think of the fun, creative stuff like designing beautiful interactive websites, hanging out on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, building partnerships with top media influencers, and crafting stunning visuals for advertising. But the truth is, there are tons of data and measuring that’s involved in each marketing project.

We have various software available to use for tracking analytics and insights, which makes it so much easier for businesses and organizations to track activity as it relates to their marketing. For example, if you’re spending time and resources on a new social media marketing campaign, you can always hop into Facebook insights to see how your reach and engagement is doing. If you’ve developed a new inbound marketing strategy, Google Analytics is a great way to measure how much new website traffic you’re getting. If you want to track sales, use a CRM tool like Zoho or Salesforce. These types of tools generate reports that give you valuable information on what people are responding to and what they’re not so interested in.

When it comes to marketing, it’s imperative that you don’t just take care of the creative stuff and leave the data by the wayside. The data is what’s going to help you check what is working and what’s not, so you can see where you need to improve on a regular basis. That way, you can get more bang for your marketing budget.

And Always Remember….Keep  It Perpetual!

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