Bill Gates knew what he was talking about in 1996 when he uttered the now-famous quote, “content is king.”

Whether it’s on social media, newsletters, blog posts, or articles, unique content is the ultimate ruler when it comes to marketing your brand online. It helps keep your company’s marketing messages on track and is useful for salespeople know what to communicate when it comes to your brand’s voice. It’s important you make content creation a priority for your company if your hope is to keep your brand top of mind and relevant.

However, there are two major roadblocks that often keep business owners from taking charge of their content.

  1. What do we write about
  2. Who should write it

Since the main purpose of content creation is to stay relevant, try looking towards topics that inspire you and are appropriate for your brand. Publish social media updates from popular news sources, share unique updates about your company and employees, and stand up for causes you believe in. Write a blog post or LinkedIn article about popular events or news happening within your industry. Create an email blast that goes to your company’s contacts on a monthly basis that updates them on events or promotions your company is hosting, or helpful tips that readers will find informative and interesting. Share updates on new company updates like product information, new services you’re offering, or ways you add value to the marketplace.

Whatever you choose to write about, ensure you’re sharing quality writing and content that holds value for those who are reading it. Content is a cost-effective, important way to secure your brand’s place in the digital world crowded with competing voices. The challenge ultimately comes to—who will write our content? Depending on your budget, you may want to hire someone who is a qualified, good writer with journalism or communications background. If you have writing skills yourself, hold yourself accountable to write and contribute.

Ultimately, we recommend building a team of experts to contribute to writing unique content on a regular and frequent basis. The more people and ideas you have contributing to your editorial calendar, the more diverse and interesting your audience will find your content.

And Always Remember…Keep It Disciplined!

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