baseball diamond

“The Perfect Game” is a true story about 9 boys from Mexico who fall in love with the game of baseball.  As luck would have it, they meet a young man who had worked for the Cardinals, now living in their small town of Monterray.  With the persuasion of the local priest, this man agrees to coach the boys in the 1957 Little League World Series being held in the States.  After facing numerous obstacles on their journey, from walking 10 miles to their first game, racism, size disparity and a language barrier (to name a few), they become the first team outside the U.S. to win the World Series and have a perfect game.  A record which still stands today.

So what did these boys possess that allowed them to overcome adversity?  Adversity that included playing against teams whose players were twice their size and weight.  It’s one word: confidence.

In the working world, we can face any number of obstacles:

  • lack of seniority
  • lack of experience
  • existing business relationships
  • lack of credibility
  • lack of visibility
  • fear of public speaking

What can we use to offset whatever professional obstacles we might face?  Confidence. Projecting confidence in yourself and what you do allows you to offset these perceived roadblocks.  Confidence comes from within.  You can learn the features and benefits of the product or service you are selling, you can fine tune your 60 second manager’s minute, you can accurately target your ideal audience.  But, if you don’t have confidence, others will see it.  Confidence will allow you to look at obstacles as challenges to be overcome and grow from.  Confidence shows others that you have the ability, knowledge and credibility to be successful.  People are drawn to that.  So, no matter where you are at in your career, no matter what it is you do, make it a point to have confidence and instill it in others.  We may not have the opportunity to pitch a perfect game, but we can certainly emulate what those boys had in our professional lives.

Pam Rezai
Sr. Marketing Director

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