The success of any business depends on revenue.  Revenue is generated from clients.  Clients, in turn, come from prospects and referral partners.  Referral partners are developed through various networking events.  To get from the initial networking event to a closed deal can take time.  Sometimes a lot of time.

The excitement of working with new clients and the daily activities needed to reach that goal, can have the tendency to leave little time to show our clients and referral partners our true appreciation.  While we probably say “thank you” in person, over the phone or with a written note, have you thought about how you can further differentiate your company, and yourself, with a unique expression of gratitude?  Granted, it may depend on your line of business, but here are a few ideas to you might consider:

  • A small gift card to a local coffee shop or restaurant.
  • Delivered gourmet treats from a bakery or other specialty shop.
  • Fresh flowers or a nice plant.
  • An annual event to invite all your clients and referral partners to that is designed as a personal “thank you” for their support.
  • An invitation to join you as your guest at a banquet or dinner you are attending.

No gesture is too small, but careful thought should be given to properly reflect the value you place on those you serve.  Take time today to establish the ways that will show your appreciation to your new clients, past clients, and those who refer you business.  A simple gesture can go a long way.

Keep it personal.

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