We’re all too familiar with the hustle and bustle that comes with the holidays. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we become so wrapped up in seasonal activities that we forget to reflect on the meaning of the season and celebrate our blessings.

As we approach this season of hope and gratitude, we want to share a few things for which we are thankful. And we invite you to join us in counting our blessings.

  1. Jesus And Our Faith –  First and foremost, we are thankful for Jesus Christ. It is his grace and mercy that make everything possible. Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Living in a state of gratitude for all we have is living in a state of grace.
  2. Family/Friends –  Walking alongside our family and friends through the best of times and the worst of times gives life rich meaning. Without loved ones sharing our joys and sorrows, life would be empty and meaningless.
  3. Good Health – This one speaks for itself. No matter what aches, sniffles and coughs we may experience as the weather turns colder, we are reminded of the many people who suffer from chronic and incurable health issues.
  4. Co-workers –  At DDG, we are blessed to consider our co-workers as family. When you have genuine love and respect for those with whom you work, it enhances the quality of work you are able to produce.
  5.  You –  Without the support and trust of our clients, we wouldn’t have grown as much as we did this year. We are thankful for each one of you and the faith you place in us to help you achieve your goals.

Have a blessed and joyous holiday season, full of gratitude, hope and happiness!

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