I’ve seen a lot of great websites and I’ve seen a lot of not so great websites.  But now there is a whole other element that further differentiates one website over another, so much so that user engagement becomes a major factor.  Our overwhelming preference for mobile devices has added this new element to website use.  This trend should encourage those of us with less than stellar websites to re-think the message we are sending to those we’d like to have as customers.

But what exactly does “mobile friendly” mean?  I mean, theoretically, we can view just about anything on our smartphones, ipads, and tablets, right?  While that may essentially be true, the real issue is how well can we view images and content on any screen, regardless of size. Something as simple as viewability can mean the difference between a person navigating through your website or moving on because it’s just to difficult to find or see what they are looking for.  Yet despite this reality, many companies choose to think it’s not quite as bad as it seems.  News flash…it is.

By ensuring that our website – or digital sales force – is not only user friendly, but:

  • responsive to screen size
  • utilizes the “less is more” philosophy
  • and has relevancy

we can optimize our reach and increase user accessibility.  We will have a better equipped website that can always be available to our potential customers – both night and day.   

Keep it relevant.

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