60 second miscommunication

We’ve all been asked at any number of networking events, social gatherings, or casual encounters “So, what is it that you do?”  And we’ve been taught to have that ’60 Second Elevator Pitch’ ready as a response to just that question.  But, what exactly is it that you are saying?  Stop for a minute and actually write it down.  Now, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is it really 60 seconds?  Can it be condensed to 30 seconds if necessary?
  • Have you ever asked anyone if what you are saying really conveys exactly what you do?  Do they even understand what you are saying or have you lost them in your ‘business lingo?’

I’m sure you can think of a person you’ve met recently that told you what it is that they do, but you really had no idea what they were talking about and didn’t feel compelled enough to ask for clarification.  It is easy to believe that by just being present at various networking events and business functions that we will make those ‘contacts’ and create future referrals.  However, that would be a poor assumption if our message is not clear, concise and simple.  We’ve missed out on any opportunity to plant those seeds to grow our business by not taking a good, hard look at what it is we are really saying to others.

Keep it Relevant!

Ernie Dimalanta,
Founder of Out-&-Out Marketing®


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