With only a few weeks left of the year, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the successes and failures of our marketing campaigns prior to entering the New Year. We think doing so allows you to build upon strategies that you have already created—so as every year progresses, you’ll see improvements and return on the time, resources, and investment spent on your marketing.

There are plenty of factors that you should keep track of in your marketing, digital campaigns, analyzing traffic to your website, the conversion rate, the effectiveness of your social media outlets, SEO, and AdWords campaigns. Think about reviewing your print ads by calculating any response rates, the number of coupons turned in, or the number of calls you received from an ad. Review the number of new clients or customers and the number of new email contacts added. Evaluate your relationships — go through your media relationships for PR sake, and see how the strength has grown or waivered over the course of this year.

You may also want to evaluate the strength of the relationships within your circle of influence and the referrals that have come to your business this year. Have you added new contacts to your circle of influence? Have you kept up with contacts and meetings?

Evaluate your sales numbers. Can you observe any abnormalities in sales through the past year? What contributed to that increase or decrease in sales?

Where do you fall short? Where have you exceeded?

Obviously, these are just a few ideas to get you started on accessing your marketing KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators). For each of these items, it’s great practice to deep dive and analyze each item to the extreme. The key takeaway is: executing marketing without evaluating isn’t really effective. You have to check the numbers and check the way things have happened. It’ll allow you to see what’s actually working for your business, and allow you to better plan your strategy for the next year.

Keep it disciplined

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