I really love hearing feedback.  It not only tells me that people are listening, but they are also applying the information I share to their business.

Just the other day I received some very valuable insight into the Dimalanta Design Group weekly marketing tip newsletter that I write.  In each newsletter, not only do I provide a tip but also a related challenge to accomplish that week.  My friend Bob said he enjoyed reading my weekly newsletters but felt that some did not apply to him because I used the words “team” and “staff.” He was only a business of one.  I promptly thanked him for sharing his thoughts with me and told him that he just gave me the topic for a new blog post.

There are many of us out there who work for ourselves, by ourselves.  While that may be the case, you can still create that “team” or “staff” to help you with various marketing tactics and ideas.  It doesn’t matter that your team won’t be comprised of actual employees, in fact, it may just be to your benefit to recruit the assistance of those outside your business. Individuals to consider to be on your marketing “team” could include:

  • Mentors
  • Former colleagues
  • Clients
  • Referral partners
  • Friends
  • Family
  • SCORE counselors
  • Small Business Development Center advisors
  • Other small business owners

The important thing to remember when selecting these few key individuals is trust.  Do you trust that they will give you honest feedback?  Do you trust that they will have the time to help you? Do you trust yourself to listen to what they have to say?  If the answers are yes, then the next step is to ask.

Keep it personal.

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