Setup useful reports!

If you’re trying to effectively mine your database without viewing key reports, then you will likely miss potential opportunities, hot prospects will cool down, and your pipeline can dry up.

So what are the key reports that you need to setup?

Daily Active Lead Report. Leads are those prospective buyers that have expressed an interest in your services.  You want to contact your leads, assess their needs, and get a proposal to them in a reasonable amount of time.  A delayed response will result in a delay in the sales process.  If you wait too long that proposal may be announced dead on arrival.

Monthly Potential Opps Report.  Most businesses offer a wide array of services or products.  Of course we all would like every client to buy everything we have to offer.  However, we all know that’s not likely. Therefore, you need to frequently check potential add-on services that you can sell to your current base.

Quarterly Lead Source Report. How are your leads generated?  Which marketing tactic is most effective? Evaluate your marketing efforts quarterly in order to make necessary tweaks.  Remember, you want to enhance the tactics that are working, revamp those that are wavering, and eliminate the ones that fall well below your key performance indicators (KPI).  To do this requires accurate tracking of relevant lead source reports.

What helpful reports do you run through your CRM tool? Feel free to comment and add to this discussion.

Keep it Disciplined!

Ernie Dimalanta – The Out-&-Out Marketer

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