Keep Looking at it!

I know this point sounds so obvious, but when was the last time you looked at the contacts in your database?  Ran reports? Updated contact statuses or notes?  Most likely your answer is not positive.  Similar to looking at the scale every day if you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll never be able to get the most value out of your CRM if you don’t make it a habit to view it.

Tips to help you make it a habit:

Choose a CRM that integrates with your quoting, invoicing, and/or  project management.  This forces you and your sales team to have to work with the CRM if they want to process sales.

Plan perpetual marketing tactics that utilizes pertinent CRM data.  For example, if you setup an ongoing drip campaign that requires database segmentation for relevancy, then you have to get her hands dirty in your CRM software.

Start first thing in the morning working in your CRM tool.  It’s too easy to put other things ahead of this important responsibility.  Therefore, make it a priority before you get into your work day.

Let me know what other tips you use to motivate you and your sales force to mine the CRM tool.

Keep it Disciplined!

-Ernie Dimalanta,  The Out-&-Out Marketer





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