December is the one month of the year that simply doesn’t have enough days. We’re busy juggling work projects, client commitments, year-end obligations, and holiday celebrations inside and outside of the office. Oh yes, there’s typically no shortage of family activities and social events as well.

With all the festivities come abundant opportunities for quality networking. After all, the holiday season naturally brings people together.

Here are five ways to maximize your networking at upcoming parties:

  1. Keep It Simple

During a holiday gathering, you may not have time to deliver your entire 60-second elevator speech. Come prepared with a few shorter, succinct talking points. Remember, keep it simple and get right to the point.

  1. Be The Interviewer

Most people like to talk about themselves, but sometimes they need a little prompting. Take on the role of interviewer and ask questions that will help you find out more about the other person, his/her interests and business goals. How will you know how to fill a need if you don’t know what it is?

  1. Be Diligent About Due Diligence

You wouldn’t make a presentation to a potential client without doing your research. Apply the same level of preparation to your holiday events. See if you can find out who will be at the event. Then learn a few facts about those you’re interested in meeting.

  1. Dress Appropriately

Learn the dress code for the party or event. There are few things worse than arriving at a function in the wrong attire. It can be embarrassing, make you self-conscious and affect your confidence when trying to speak with a person of interest.

  1. Keep Other Options Open

If holiday parties and networking aren’t your strong suit, look for other options to meet people during the holidays. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities at the holidays. You never know where you might meet your next client.

Above all, enjoy your holiday season with your coworkers, clients, friends and family. We wish you happiness, health and success now and in the coming year.

Keep it Personal!

-Dimalanta Design Group

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