Social Media ConnectionsConnect with those who will lead you towards success.

When using social media as part of your marketing mix understand that the most valuable commodity are your connections.  These contacts are the keys to your success.  While online they are seen digitally, consider them as real people, that have real goals and real opportunities.  The beauty of social media is that you are able to be visible to those people with very little time or effort.  Here are a few things to consider when connecting with your people:

  1. Start by adding connections.  Whether you’re experienced or not, don’t forget to frequently add people.  As you meet them in the market place make it a point to invite them to follow you on social media.
  2. Target individuals.  Who are those people that have the highest likelihood of helping you reach your goals? What industry are they in? What job title do the carry? Where are they located?  Answer these questions and hang out with them online and in person. Go where they are.
  3. Set up one-to-one meetings.  As you are building your social media contact list and identifying individuals that can help, develop your relationships by inviting them out for coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, etc.
As you can see, effective use of social media for business revolves around developing strong relationships.  To do this you need to build up your contacts, target those that can influence growth, then engage with them online and in person.  If you commit to this process weekly, you will certainly reap the rewards.

Keep it personal!

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