We still find it fascinating that in this day and age, we can run into a lot of businesses that have outdated websites. We’re living and operating in a time when the majority of clients and customers visit websites before they commit to contacting a company or visiting a business. Because of this, its imperative you take your online presence seriously and ensure that your website is up to date.

What are some indications that your website is out of date?
  1. Has your website been designed on a newer platform, or was it built off of Flash? Tons of websites exist that you can use to give your site a refresh, such as WordPress, Squarespace, and more. Our advice is to make sure you choose your site platform to be user and client-friendly software.
  2. Does the look and feel of your website adequately represent your company’s brand strategies? If it figuratively has shaggy retro carpets and lava lamps—it’s a good indicator that you need something a little more modern. To correctly address this issue, you may need to review your whole company’s brand. What’s the identity you want to convey to current and potential customers? Start with answering this question before you move on to website design.
  3. Do you have enough content? Content is king in our digital age. It’s the most important tool you have in search engine optimization and inbound marketing. So if you can’t remember the last time your content was updated, refreshed, or added to, your site may fail to be recognized as a relevant website by Google, Bing, or other search engines.
  4. Remember to optimize your site on a monthly basis so it can get recognized and displayed as a top search engine result.
  5. Is your website mobile responsive? Search engines often penalize websites that do not respond to a variety of screen sizes like tablets or smartphones. If your site is not able to change layouts with different devices, it’s a clear indicator that you must have your website redesigned.
  6. Have you linked your social media pages to your company’s website? Customers like to know that your company is networking and communicating with social communities and are interested in keeping up with modern trends. Link your social media sites to your website, but ensure that you are posting updates and responding to customers regularly.

Ask yourself these questions when reviewing your website. If your answers are less than favorable, don’t wait too long before you take action and update your site. Contact a company, professional, or someone you trust to get your website up to date.

And always remember…

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