Here at Dimalanta Design Group, we believe every business professional should look at themselves as an Out-&-Out Marketer. That means following 6 key principles in every decision you make that relates to how you create visibility for yourself in the marketplace...
Have you seen the commercial with the famous NBA player, Blake Griffin? He starts by asking the viewer, “Do you want to be amazing?” Every time I see it, I say in my head, “Yes!” Heck, who doesn’t want to be amazing at something? I...
You’ve met that business professional who seems to be connected to everyone. Their success is palpable. They project confidence and credibility. You might wonder how they got to that point in their career? What’s their secret? Is it pure luck? Good...
We have all been invited to various events and organizations as guests. We receive emails, letters, and phone calls from other professionals extending that invitation. But what do we actually do with that invitation? Is our ‘knee jerk’ reaction to...
I recently gave a presentation to a large group of professionals. It had been a year since my last presentation to the same group of people, so I knew that I needed to spruce it up a bit – make it more memorable. With help from my team at Dimalanta Design...
Why is it that when someone agrees with us it feels like victory? Yet when someone doesn’t, it feels like defeat? And even if that person does agree with us it doesn’t necessarily mean that we were right in the first place. We could have been completely...