So What?

So What?

How many times while watching television have you muted or fast-forwarded through commercials?  In business conversations, how many times while speaking with someone has your mind drifted away, completely tuning out what that person is saying?  When we do this we are...
So What?

Do You Have “It”?

Think of your favorite place to eat or shop or vacation at.  What is it that draws you to that particular place?  Is it the food, the atmosphere, the customer service?   It’s probably safe to say that there is something special about that place that you just can’t put...
So What?

Building Trust

Recently we hosted a Blogging Seminar as part of a series on Social Media.  As the group was brainstorming ideas for future blogs, a question was asked about certain fields of business who cannot use Social Media to promote their line of work.  What can be done in...
So What?

Business Etiquette

I think it’s safe to say that everyone is familiar with the rules of social etiquette: Always say please and thank you. Make eye contact with those you are speaking with. Shake hands when you meet someone. Call if you will be late. Make introductions. Don’t talk with...
So What?

Staying the Course

January is the month synonymous with the word “resolution.”  It’s a time when all the fitness centers and gyms are packed with people, excited to begin their journey towards ideal health and physique.  What happens come February?  These same places are a little less...
So What?


“The Perfect Game” is a true story about 9 boys from Mexico who fall in love with the game of baseball.  As luck would have it, they meet a young man who had worked for the Cardinals, now living in their small town of Monterray.  With the persuasion of the local...
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