Is There a Book For That?

Is There a Book For That?

I was recently asked a great question…”Is there a book you can recommend regarding social media?”  On the surface, the answer would seem easy.  Of course there must be several books that one can utilize to learn the ins and outs of social media....
Is There a Book For That?

Watering Holes

We are all guilty of making assumptions.  We can mistakenly believe that others think and feel the same as we do.  I’ve done it myself.  I love asparagus so my kids should eat it at dinner too, right?  Wrong. When we communicate with those in our target...
Is There a Book For That?

Social Media Marketing… Is It Really Necessary?

Let me start by asking these questions: Was it really necessary to start using Fax Machines  when it became popular? How about cell phones?  How about running a business today without a smartphone? (I remember how cool it was when mom and dad had a phone installed in...
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