Who Are You Targeting?

Who Are You Targeting?

It still surprises me when I hear the answer “anyone” when someone is asked about who their ideal customer is.  To me, it sounds like they really don’t know who that “anyone” really is. In today’s highly competitive market, with the...
Who Are You Targeting?

Level the Playing Field

On the surface it would seem that small business could not possibly compete with big business in term of marketing themselves. Fortunately, the arrival of social media has played a significant role in leveling the playing field.  Now, small businesses can achieve the...
Who Are You Targeting?

Rethink Your Curb Appeal

Curb appeal.  What is it?  Well, if you have ever been in the market for a new home you’ve probably heard the phrase before.  Curb appeal is the enhancement of a home and property so as to attract potential buyers.  It’s safe to say that a nicely manicured lawn adds...
Who Are You Targeting?

Why would they want what you have?

Let’s face it.  Most of what businesses have to offer isn’t truly a life-sustaining necessity.  If you carry a smartphone with you, then I’m sure you would agree that your life is full of stuff you don’t need to survive.  Keep in mind that I’m comparing the modern...