Team Spirit

Team Spirit

No matter how big or how small our business is, the day in and day out responsibilities can take it’s toll on us.  We reach a point where we need a “re-charge” or a “break” from all that we do. This is a perfect time to build some team...
Team Spirit

Which Are You?

There’s a great song by Coldplay with the lyrics “Am I part of the cure?  Or am I part of the disease?” Even though the song Clocks was released back in 2002, I still find those words to have significant meaning.  Today I find it applicable not only...
Team Spirit

No Burning Bridges

Sometimes I hear words of wisdom that I can’t help but share with others.  And this is one of those times. At a referral group meeting this week a member shared a blog post from the best-selling author and keynote speaker, Jon Gordon.  The core message was the...
Team Spirit


It’s easy to get caught up in the financial realities of our jobs: revenue goals, profit margins, quotas, pipelines.  But at the end of the day, we need to ask ourselves, “What is the common denominator of all these?”  The answer?  People. It’s...
Team Spirit

Brand Yourself

I feel like a broken record sometimes when I talk with my children.  Constantly repeating myself, hoping that sooner or later the message will sink in.  One of the common themes of these “talks” involves how they brand themselves in the circles that they travel,...
Team Spirit

Turning Customer Dissatisfaction Into Satisfaction

No one likes to admit it, but we all encounter obstacles when striving for customer satisfaction. Any of number of things can go wrong: messages that aren’t received back orders inacurrate order information missed completion date miscalculated estimate a...