During Christmas I’m reminded of that baby born in Bethlehem. His name is Jesus. He would become the Savior of the world. I’m always fascinated with the fact that the God of the universe would become a man to save the very people who sinned against him....
This time of year is always filled with parties. What about your company? Do you have one scheduled? Keep in mind that your party doesn’t have to be that elaborate. You can just as easily hold a simple office party. So why is this important anyways? What...
Listen To and Observe What Others are Saying This step seems easy right? You may be saying to yourself, “I got this one. Let’s move on.” Well, you may be surprised to discover that you’re not as good as you think. “A study of...
Be Accessible. Be Active. Be Attentive. Have you ever volunteered at a construction project? Worked hard with a community of people to accomplish a large goal? It takes a whole lot of effort and team work doesn’t it? If your co-laborers see you sitting around,...
Connect with those who will lead you towards success. When using social media as part of your marketing mix understand that the most valuable commodity are your connections. These contacts are the keys to your success. While online they are seen digitally, consider...
It’s that time of year when we often take time to reflect on life and on business. We count our blessings. We spend time with family. We are thankful. Or at least we should be grateful right? Unfortunately, the holidays also distract us from the things that...