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Haven’t calendared it yet?

The calendar is an important tool for your marketing because business ebbs and flows depending on industry, season, weather, day, holiday, time, etc.   For instance, if you are operating a landscaping business, then you know you’re busy from Spring to Fall, CPA firms...
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Your phone just got smarter!

Dimalanta Design Group now has a smartphone app that you can download!   Go to OutNOutMktg.appguppy.com and follow the simple instructions to make your phone smarter. Why would you want to do that?  Because strong business leaders are always learning.  One way to...
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Looked in the mirror lately?

Committing to marketing your business is sort of like committing to waking up each morning for work.  Before walking out of your house to head for the office, or meet a client or prospect, you stop and think about how you look, how you want to be seen (or perceived)...
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If you can’t jump it, go around it

Everyday business owners and executives face all sorts of obstacles.  From low sales numbers, HR challenges, customer service issues, to managing growth, legal burdens, and cash flow shortfalls.  Marketing tends to be seen as another wrench in the cog.  It’s...
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Stop thinking. Start doing.

  When it comes to small-business marketing, I find that businesses often over-think too much that they fail to execute.  They fail to create their marketing plan.  They fail to keep it going.  Their great intentions become, “I should haves.”...