Identify your ideal Client

Identify your ideal Client

Have you ever noticed how small the bullseye on a dartboard is? It’s challenging to hit! I don’t know how many times, when I have asked about their target market, have I heard business owners tell me that “everyone” can use their services or products. Even...
Identify your ideal Client

1…2…3… Bullseye!

“I can take the next person in line!”  You have heard these words while checking out before, haven’t you?  And if you own your own business, these are words that you wish were said every day that your doors are open.  Whether having long lines, or phones ringing off...
Identify your ideal Client

Referral Success 101 w/ Referral Institute

One of the recommendations that I share with small business owners is network marketing.  The reason why is because it fits the Simple, Disciplined, Perpetual, Targeted, Relevant, and Personal Out-&-Out Marketing® litmus test.  Over the past year, I have been...
Identify your ideal Client

What are you selling?

Last night, I observed a new client’s sales training presentation.  During it they repeated that they were an, “Elite concierge title company,” they emphasized their quick turn-around times, and commitment to being at the closing table even at the eleventh-hour.  They...
Identify your ideal Client

Are we there yet?

One morning I went to a nearby coffee shop to meet a friend from my network.  This is a something we do every so often just to touch base.  However, this time it was different.  Within 5 minutes of greeting each other, he told me that he needed help.  “Ernie, I am...