by devsquad | Nov 25, 2014 | Simple
Let’s face it. You have a busy schedule. You have deadlines to meet. You often have unreasonable expectations placed upon you. You’re being pulled into meetings. You have to answer a numerous amount of texts, emails, and phone calls. All the while having the...
by devsquad | Nov 11, 2014 | Relevant, Uncategorized
Online reviews. We can love them or we can despise them, especially if it has anything to do with our business. With the advent of social media, the opportunity for people to share information with others has never been easier – from Google and Yelp, to...
by devsquad | Nov 4, 2014 | Disciplined, Uncategorized
Going to networking events is a part of any business professionals life. Networking events come in the form of: Business After Hours Referral Marketing Groups Lead Exchanges Chamber Events Trade Shows Luncheons Award Ceremonies But did you know there are ways to more...
by devsquad | Oct 21, 2014 | Relevant, Uncategorized
I was recently asked a great question…”Is there a book you can recommend regarding social media?” On the surface, the answer would seem easy. Of course there must be several books that one can utilize to learn the ins and outs of social media....
by devsquad | Oct 14, 2014 | Relevant, Uncategorized
Words in general don’t create stress or angst, but many times I find that words, as it relates to marketing a person or a business, can be. When people hear the words “content marketing” I see a little cringe, a deflation of energy, or hear a sigh....