We meet all sorts of people during the course of our business day and each of these individuals have unique personalities, opinions, ideals, and sense of humor. However, to truly engage with another person, especially someone you are interested in either networking...
All too often I see the uncanny resemblance between how a company implements their marketing plan and the yo-yo dieting phenomenon. Any business professional knows that a strategic marketing plan that is actively engaged is ideal, yet many times a company...
“A lead is like someone giving you a stack of business cards to call.” While at a recent event at the Paul Brown Stadium, I was able to enjoy lunch with several professionals I knew through my affiliation with Business Network International (BNI). As luck...
Lead. Referral. At first glance, these two words might appear to mean the same thing to a business professional. However, they have two very different meanings entirely. According to Wikipedia a lead is defined as: “generic” for example “they come...